Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Life's Commitment!

Yes,God separated me for His Purpose
To be mommies,daddies and siblings
To unloved wandering street children
To children whose houses set fired in persecution
They are awesome and God's Children
God's eyes are on these little wonders
Yes,they are God's little wonders

Friday, April 3, 2009

Authority of Power of Word

It is the story of centurion in Matthew 8 : 5 -13 this man requested Jesus on behalf of his palsied servant who needed healing . We get the picture of this centurion he is a kind man and good master keeping concern for his servant . In a parallel account in Luke 7 : 1-1o he loves Israel and even though he is a roman high ranking official he built a synagogue for jews in Capernaum . His surrounding people witness and tell Jesus that this centurion deserves favor for his request to heal his servant .

Jesus responded : " I will go and heal him." Centurion again made request " Lord , I do not deserve to have you come under my roof . But JUST SAY THE WORD and my servant will be healed ."

His humility in heart and strong faith in POWER OF WORD OF GOD turned out to be a great blessing . It was POWER OF WORD when God said :" Let there be light " and " There was light." Jesus stopped storms and winds by POWER OF WORD and it was thief at his death - bed on cross attained salvation by POWER OF WORD " You will be in paradise with me.'' This centurion had strong confidence in this POWER which can do things beyond human capacity .

Jesus praised his unequalled faith in Israel and prophesied " I say to you that many will come from the east and the west and will take their places at the feast with Abraham , Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven ." Centurion became blessed by eternal life .

The character of centurion reminds and teach us also to be humble in our hearts irrespective of our worldly ranking and assets . Man sees the outward God sees the heart .

Centurion's faith helps our growing faith thus building a strong faith in JESUS AND HIS POWERFUL WORD .

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life is good!

Always fill our minds with thoughts like :

I can make life as happy as I want it.

I am worthy of having pleasures.

I am receptive to life's pleasures.

I am kind to myself.

I love myself.

First love to yourself it will make easy to love others!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Patience for Guidance

Patient waiting is often the highest way of doing God's will.To Jesus the will of the Father was more important than His necessary food.He waited patiently until He knew what the Father had wanted Him to do.He never panicked whatever the situation,but quietly pondered over to understand what His Father would have done at that time.
Our carnal mind desires to know everything and that too instantly.When Saul Paul from the dusty road cried out in amazement,"Lord,what do you want me to do?",the Lord did not give him a blueprint.No package plan!He simply said,"Go into the city,and you will be told what you must do."(Acts 9:6)
What a humiliating answer to that highminded scholar! And we see all through his life Paul was committed to his personal growth.(Acts 9:22a;phil 3:8-14).

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

God's Refinery.

What God speaks to us everyday"How can you be alone?"I am with you.I will mentor you at each and every moment,day and night.I will uplift your spirit and help in mindset.You'll feel relax and easy situation as breeze is blowing.All the complexity of life will disappear.All evils be vanished one by one .
A new born heart in Christ will be ready.You'll be knowing His ways.At this turning point you'll listen your voice itself praising God.See you were in prayers and now you are praising.Your tender heart will be ready to receive His Love.
And at that moment will begin TRANSFORMATION OF LIFE.Your heart will rest in peace.Waves in your mind will be set.You will control your thoughts.Problems will bow their heads and Solutions keep reaching to you one by one.
It will happen automatically.HOW?You gave willingly HIS will to operate in your life.-

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

For The Good Of His People.

I believe it is God-given commission to me to write for the good of His people.In our rebirth we receive an obedient heart;God writes His law in our minds and hearts.This means that He enlightens our conscience so we may choose what is pleasing to Him.It was splendid revelation to me when i was taught to observe Saturday as Sabbath Day.I realize who is with me and what is the 4th law of Ten-Commandment.I prayed:"God,make me an instrument for saturday sabbath."It is of-course natural to be afraid of breaking the years observed worship-day as sunday.Sunday is not God's sabbath.It is the devil's trick and we do not know that we are deceived by devil.

In utter dependence on the Father,let us pray and meditate what Paul writes in 2 Timothy 2:25-26